

Broadcom Linux hybrid wireless driver

This is an Official Release of Broadcom's hybrid Linux driver for use with 
Broadcom based hardware.


There are separate tarballs for 32 bit and 64 bit x86 CPU architectures.
Make sure you use the appropriate tarball for your machine.

Other than 32 vs 64 bit, the hybrid binary is agnostic to the specific
versions (2.6.X) and distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, etc).  It performs
all interactions with the OS through OS specific files (wl_linux.c, wl_iw.c,
osl_linux.c) that are shipped in source form. You compile this source on
your system and link with a precompiled binary file (wlc_hybrid.o_shipped)
which contains the rest of the driver.

Some distros (Ubuntu and Fedora at the least) already have a version of
this driver in their repositories precompiled, tested and ready to go.
You just use the package manager to install the proper package.  If
its available for your distro, this is usually an easier solution. See
the end of this document for further discussion.

This is a rollup release.  It includes and deprecates all previous releases
and patches.  At the time of release there are no existing patches for this
release from Broadcom.

The cards with the following PCI Device IDs are supported with this driver.
Both Broadcom and and Dell product names are described.   Cards not listed
here may also work.

    BRCM      PCI    PCI    Dell
   Product Name   Vendor ID Device ID Product ID
          -------------  ---------- ---------    -----------
          4311 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4 0x4311   Dell 1390
          4311 Dualband     0x14e4 0x4312   Dell 1490
          4311 5 Ghz     0x14e4     0x4313   
          4312 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4 0x4315   Dell 1395
          4313 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4 0x4727   Dell 1501
          4321 Dualband     0x14e4 0x4328   Dell 1505
          4321 Dualband     0x14e4 0x4328   Dell 1500
          4321 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4 0x4329   
          4321 5 Ghz        0x14e4 0x432a   
          4322  Dualband    0x14e4 0x432b   Dell 1510
          4322 2.4 Ghz      0x14e4  0x432c   
          4322 5 Ghz        0x14e4  0x432d   
          43224 Dualband    0x14e4 0x4353   Dell 1520
          43225 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4 0x4357   
          43227 2.4 Ghz     0x14e4 0x4358
          43228 Dualband    0x14e4 0x4359   Dell 1530

To find the Device ID's of Broadcom cards on your machines do:
# lspci -n | grep 14e4

 Added Cfg80211 support (described below)
 Added Monitor mode     (described below)

Building this driver requires that your machine have the proper tools,
packages, header files and libraries to build a standard a kernel module.  
This usually is done by installing the kernel developer or kernel source 
package and varies from distro to distro. Consult the documentation for
your specific OS.

If you cannot successfully build a module that comes with your distro's 
kernel developer or kernel source package, you will not be able to build 
this module either.

If you try to build this module but get an error message that looks like 

make: *** /lib/modules/"release"/build: No such file or directory. Stop.

Then you do not have the proper packages installed, since installing the 
proper packages will create /lib/modules/"release"/build on your system.

On Fedora install 'kernel-devel' (Development Package for building kernel
modules to match the kernel) from the Package Manager (System->
Administration-> Add/Remove Software).

On Ubuntu, you will need headers and tools.  Try these commands:
# apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic
# apt-get build-dep linux

To check to see if you have this directory do this:

# ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build

1. Setup the directory by untarring the proper tarball:

For 32 bit:  hybrid-portsrc.tar.gz
For 64 bit:  hybrid-portsrc-x86_64.tar.gz

# mkdir hybrid_wl
# cd hybrid_wl
# tar xzf <path>/hybrid-portsrc.tar or <path>/hybrid-portsrc-x86_64.tar.gz

2. Build the driver as a Linux loadable kernel module (LKM):

# make clean   (optional)
# make

When the build completes, it will produce a wl.ko file in the top level

If your driver does not build, check to make sure you have installed the
kernel package described in the requirements above.

This driver now supports the new linux cfg80211 wireless configuration API in
addition to the older Wireless Extensions (Wext).  The makefile will
automaticly build the right version for your system but it can be
overridden if needed:

# make API=WEXT
# make API=CFG80211


Upgrading from a previous version:

If you were already running a previous version of wl, you'll want to provide
a clean transition from the older driver. (The path to previous driver is
usually /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/net/wireless)

# rmmod wl 
# mv <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko.orig
# cp wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko
# depmod
# modprobe wl

The new wl driver should now be operational and your all done.

Fresh installation:
1: Remove any other drivers for the Broadcom wireless device.

There are several other drivers (besides this one) that can drive 
Broadcom 802.11 chips such as b43, bcma and ssb. They will conflict with 
this driver and need to be uninstalled before this driver can be installed.
Any previous revisions of the wl driver also need to be removed.

Note: On some systems such as Ubuntu 9.10, the ssb module may load during
boot even though it is blacklisted (see note under Common Issues on how to
resolve this. Nevertheless, ssb still must be removed
(by hand or script) before wl is loaded. The wl driver will not function 
properly if ssb the module is loaded.

# lsmod  | grep "b43\|ssb\|bcma\|wl"

If any of these are installed, remove them:
# rmmod b43
# rmmod ssb
# rmmod bcma
# rmmod wl

To blacklist these drivers and prevent them from loading in the future:
# echo "blacklist ssb" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
# echo "blacklist bcma" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
# echo "blacklist b43" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

2: Insmod the driver.

Otherwise, if you have not previously installed a wl driver, you'll need
to add a security module before using the wl module.  Most newer systems 
use lib80211 while others use ieee80211_crypt_tkip. See which one works for 
your system.

# modprobe lib80211 
# modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip

If your using the cfg80211 version of the driver, then cfg80211 needs to be

# modprobe cfg80211

# insmod wl.ko

wl.ko is now operational.  It may take several seconds for the Network 
Manager to notice a new network driver has been installed and show the
surrounding wireless networks.

If there was an error, see Common issues below.

Common issues:
* After the insmod you may see this message:
  WARNING: modpost: missing MODULE_LICENSE()
  It is expected, not harmful and can be ignored.

* If you see this message:

  "insmod: error inserting 'wl.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module"

  Usually this means that one of the required modules (as mentioned above) is
  not loaded. Try this:
  # modprobe lib80211 or ieee80211_crypt_tkip (depending on your os)
  # modprobe cfg80211
  Now re-try to insmod the wl driver:
  # insmod wl.ko
* If the wl driver loads but doesn't seem to do anything:
  the ssb module may be the cause.  Sometimes blacklisting ssb may not
  be enough to prevent it from loading and it loads anyway. (This is mostly
  seen on Ubuntu/Debian systems).

  Check to see if ssb, bcma, wl or b43 is loaded:
  # lsmod | grep "ssb\|wl\|b43\|bcma"

  If any of these are installed, remove them:
  # rmmod ssb
  # rmmod bcma
  # rmmod wl
  # insmod wl

  Back up the current boot ramfs and generate a new one:
  # cp /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` somewheresafe
  # update-initramfs -u
  # reboot

3: Setup to always load at boot time.

The procedure to make a module load at boot time varies from distro to
distro.  Consult the docs for your specific distro to see how.  The 
following seems to work for my setup on Fedora and Ubuntu.  Check your 
docs to see the procedure for your distro.

Follow these steps to have the driver load as part of the boot process:

# load driver as described above
# cp wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless 
# depmod -a

# echo modeprobe wl >> /etc/rc.local  (Fedora/SUSE)

Ubuntu ships a version of wl.ko, so those need to be disabled.  On my 
system the were several versions, so I searched and renamed the .ko's
like this:

# sh: for i in `find /lib /var -name wl\.ko`; do mv $i ${i}.orig; done

'iwconfig eth1 txpower' & 'iwlist eth1 txpower' set and get the drivers 
user-requested transmit power level. This can go up to 32 dbm and allows
the user to lower the tx power to levels below the regulatory limit.
Internally, the actual tx power is always kept within regulatory limits
no matter what the user request is set to.

+ Added cfg80211 API support. The choice of API is done at compile time. If
kernel version >= 2.6.32, cfg80211 is used, otherwise wireless extension 
is used. (End users should notice little difference.)
+ Supports Linux kernel 2.6.38
+ Fix for problem with rebooting while wireless disabled via airline switch.
+ Fixed a kernel panic observed on some 64-bit systems

To enable monitor mode:
$ echo 1 > /proc/brcm_monitor0

Enabling monitor mode will create a 'prism0' network interface. Wireshark and
other netwokk tools can use this new prism0 interface.

To disable monitor mode:
$ echo 0 > /proc/brcm_monitor0

+ Supports monitor mode
+ Supports cfg80211
+ Supports hidden networks
+ Supports rfkill

#72238 - 20% lower throughput on channels 149, 153, 157, and 161
#72324 - Ubuntu 8.04: cannot ping when Linux STA is IBSS creator with WEP
#72216 - Ubuntu 8.04: standby/resume with WPA2 and wpa_supplicant causes
a continuous assoc/disassoc loop (issue with wpa_supplicant, restarting
wpa_supplicant fixes the issue)
#76739 Ubuntu9.04: unable to connect to hidden network after stdby/resume
#76793 Ubuntu9.04: STA fails to create IBSS network in 5 Ghz band


wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 + nl80211 + WEP - (Note: This would only affect you if 
you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify 
nl80211 interface, e.g. "wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..". If you are using
network manager GUI to connect it should work file.)
wpa_supplicant 0.6.3 might have a bug that affect WEP connections created 
through nl80211. Upgrade to wpa_supplicant to 0.7.3 would solve this problem.

Ubuntu 10.10 kernel + nl80211 + WPA/WPA2 - (Note: This would only affect you if 
you are using wpa_supplicant directly from the command line and specify 
nl80211 interface, e.g. "wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -ieth1 ..". If you are using
network manager GUI to connect it should work file.)
Some kernel versions of Ubuntu such as 2.6.35-22 (released with Ubuntu 
10.10) may have problems that affect WPA/WPA2 connections created through 
nl80211. Upgrade to 2.6.35-25 or later should solve this problem.

Some of the major linux distros already supply a version of this driver, so
you don't have to compile your own.  Most of the distros keep this driver
along with other proprietary or non-GPL drivers in a separate repository.

For further information see the documentation for your specific distro.

su -c 'rpm -Uvh'

su -
yum update
yum install kmod-wl

Go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
Choose the Broadcom STA wireless driver

Sometimes the driver does not show up in the Hardware Drivers choices.  In
this case, try reintalling the driver from the GUI or shell like this:

From the GUI:
Package Manager (System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager). Click the 
Reload button in the upper left corner of Synaptic to refresh your index then 
search for and reinstall the package named bcmwl-kernel-source.

From the shell:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source

In either GUI or text case, after reinstalling, reboot your machine.

Now go back to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
and you should see the driver enabled and working.



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