

Embedded System UDOO

Embedded UDOO VS. Raspberry Pi

Linux Distribution Debian VS. Ubuntu


Created A Bootable SD Card

Step1. Downloads Debian Wheezy armHF(desktop) and decompress.(
Step2. Insert SD card to PC and created a bootable image.(Please change super user and type the following command .)

# dmesg | grep sd  <= view SD card's device name.
# dd bs=1M if=udoo_quad_debian_wheezy_armhf_v1.1.img of=/dev/sdc
<= dd - convert and copy a file
<= if- input file:read from FILE instead of stdin
<= of -ouput file:write to FILE instead of stdout
<= bs -read and write up to BYTES bytes at a time

Turn On UDOO By The Power Supply

Use Serial Port To Remote Control

Step1. # apt-get install minicom
Step2. Connected serial cable between PC USB type A and UDOO Mini USB Serial Port.

Step3. View hardware information.

# dmesg | grep tty

And you can see the following message.

cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0

Step4. Open minicom to setup serial port.

# minicom -s

If the content is Chinese, and the format to run away, close minicom, and open again after enter the following command.

# export LC_ALL=C

configuration→Serial port setup

Serial Device→/dev/ttyUSB0
Hardware Flow Control→No

Save setup as dfl

Exit from Minicom

# minicom -w

If /dev/ directory without ttyUSB0

  1. To confirm the mini USB connection to serial port.
  2. To confirm the cp210x module have loaded.
# lsmod | grep cp210
cp210x        21155  0
usbserial     32061  1  cp210x

If without cp210x module, mabey you didn't install cp210x driver.




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