
Linux Mplayer 測試 視訊攝影機 WebCam

# apt-get install mplayer

$ mplayer --tv=driver=help -vo help
MPlayer2 2.0-728-g2c378c7-4+b1 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
Available video output drivers:
        vdpau   VDPAU with X11
        xv      X11/Xv
        gl3     OpenGL 3.x
        gl      OpenGL
        x11     X11 ( XImage/Shm )
        sdl     SDL YUV/RGB/BGR renderer (SDL v1.1.7+ only!)
        caca    libcaca
        v4l2    V4L2 MPEG Video Decoder Output
        null    Null video output
        directfb        Direct Framebuffer Device
        yuv4mpeg        yuv4mpeg output for mjpegtools
        png     PNG file
        jpeg    JPEG file
        gif89a  animated GIF output
        tga     Targa output
        pnm     PPM/PGM/PGMYUV file
        md5sum  md5sum of each frame
        gl_nosw OpenGL no software rendering
$ ls /dev/video*
/dev/video0  /dev/video1
$ mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0



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