

What is /dev/null 2>&1 linux file descriptor 0 1 2 for stdin, stdout and stderr In the shell, what does " 2>&1 " mean?


         The input stream is referred to as "standard input"; the output
       stream is referred to as "standard output"; and the error stream
       is referred to as "standard error".  These terms are abbreviated
       to form the symbols used to refer to these files, namely stdin,
       stdout, and stderr.
         On program startup, the integer file descriptors associated with
       the streams stdin, stdout, and stderr are 0, 1, and 2,
       respectively.  The preprocessor symbols STDIN_FILENO,
       STDOUT_FILENO, and STDERR_FILENO are defined with these values in

There are also symbolic constants defined in unistd.h for the file descriptors belonging to the standard streams stdinstdout, and stderr; see Standard Streams.


This macro has value 0, which is the file descriptor for standard input.


This macro has value 1, which is the file descriptor for standard output.


This macro has value 2, which is the file descriptor for standard error output.

File descriptor 1 is the standard output (stdout).
File descriptor 2 is the standard error (stderr).

Here is one way to remember this construct (although it is not entirely accurate): at first, 2>1 may look like a good way to redirect stderr to stdout. However, it will actually be interpreted as "redirect stderr to a file named 1". & indicates that what follows and precedes is a file descriptor and not a filename. So the construct becomes: 2>&1.

Consider >& as redirect merger operator.


Double pipe Double logical and Control operators


expression )

Returns the value of expression. This may be used to override the normal precedence of operators.


True if expression is false.

expression1 && expression2

True if both expression1 and expression2 are true.

expression1 || expression2

True if either expression1 or expression2 is true.

The && and || operators do not evaluate expression2 if the value of expression1 is sufficient to determine the return value of the entire conditional expression.

For example:

$ ls this_file_does_not_exist.txt || echo KO
ls: cannot access this_file_does_not_exist.txt: No such file or directory

$ ls this_file_exist.txt && echo OK


What does @: (at symbol colon) mean in a Makefile?


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linux下 串列埠 工具 串口 序列埠 軟體 linux putty alternative for serial

 請參考此篇文章 Use Serial Port To Remote Control

使用cu command

cu -l /dev/device -s baud-rate-speed

# cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 57600


cu: open (/dev/ttyS0): Permission denied

cu: /dev/ttyS0: Line in use


# ls -la /dev/ttyUSB0

# chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0



Debian Buster 10 root $PATH in bash does not include /sbin and /usr/sbin

 Debian 10 切換root超級使用者權限,超級使用者/管理者指令找不到,下echo $PATH發現環境變數與一般使用者一樣。

$ echo $PATH

$ su

# echo $PATH

根據Debian官方說明 Debian 10 su 指令是使用了util-linux套件,其PATH使用預設值且不會警告,若要切換至超級使用者與環境變數,須下達 su - 或 su -l 或 su --login ,三者亦同。

$ su -
root@debian10:~# echo $PATH



#ifconfig, #debian 10, #debian buster, #chpasswd, #fdisk, ,#useradd, #lsmod, #command not found, #指令找不到, #命令找不到



Linux 學習

Other users' home directories
Bash will expand a lone ~ to point to your home directory, but you can also use it to point to
other users' home directories. For example, if we wanted to refer to a file called fredsfile.txt in
Fred's home directory, we could type:
$ ./myprog ~fred/fredsfile.txt

my home directories
example: $ ./myprog ~/myfile.txt

Looking at directories
Sometimes, you'll want to look at a directory, rather than inside it. For these situations, you
can specify the -d option, which will tell ls to look at any directories that it would normally
look inside:
$ ls -dl /usr /usr/bin /usr/X11R6/bin ../share
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 96 Dec 18 18:17 ../share
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 576 Dec 24 09:03 /usr
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3192 Dec 26 12:52 /usr/X11R6/bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 14576 Dec 27 08:56 /usr/bin

$ ls -dl /usr/local
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 240 Dec 22 20:57 /usr/local
If we take a look at the second column from the left, we see that the directory /usr/local
(inode 5120) is referenced eight times. On my system, here are the various paths that
reference this inode:

mkdir -p
However, mkdir has a handy -p option that tells mkdir to create any missing parent
directories, as you can see here:
$ mkdir -p easy/as/pie

After typing this command, myfile.txt will be moved to /home/drobbins/myfile.txt. And if
/home/drobbins is on a different filesystem than /var/tmp, the mv command will handle the
copying of myfile.txt to the new filesystem and erasing it from the old filesystem. As you might guess, when myfile.txt is moved between filesystems, the myfile.txt at the new location
will have a new inode number. This is because every filesystem has its own independent set
of inode numbers.

A given inode can have any number of hard links, and
the inode will persist on the filesystem until the all the hard links disappear. When the last
hard link disappears and no program is holding the file open, Linux will delete the file
you can only make hard links to files,not directories.

The second limitation
of hard links is that they can't span filesystems. This means that you can't create a link from
/usr/bin/bash to /bin/bash if your / and /usr directories exist on separate filesystems.

Note that double quotes will work similarly to single quotes, but will still allow bash to do
some limited expansion. Therefore, single quotes are your best bet when you are truly
interested in passing literal text to a command.

wildcards=globbing globbing debuger

If the first character following the ‘[’ is a ‘!’ or a ‘^’ then any character not enclosed is matched.$ ls
myfile1  myfile2  myfile3  myfile4$ ls myfile[!2]
myfile1  myfile3  myfile4$ ls myfile[^2]

myfile1  myfile3  myfile4

regular expression

grep regex operatorMeaningExample
.Matches any single character.grep '.' file
grep 'foo.' input
?The preceding item(k) is optional and will be matched zero or at most, once.grep 'vivek?' /etc/passwd
*The preceding item(k) will be matched zero or more times.grep 'vivek*' /etc/passwd
+The preceding item will be matched one or more /var/log/ | grep -E "^[a-z]+\.log."
{N}The preceding item is matched exactly N times.egrep '[0-9]{2} input
{N,}The preceding item is matched N or more times.egrep '[0-9]{2,} input
{N,M}The preceding item is matched at least N times, but not more than M times.egrep '[0-9]{2,4} input
Represents the range if it’s not first or last in a list or the ending point of a range in a list.grep ':/bin/[a-z]*' /etc/passwd
^Matches the empty string at the beginning of a line; also represents the characters not in the range of a list.grep '^vivek' /etc/passwd
grep '[^0-9]*' /etc/passwd
$Matches the empty string at the end of a line.grep '^$' /etc/passwd
\bMatches the empty string at the edge of a word.vivek '\bvivek' /etc/passwd
\BMatches the empty string provided it’s not at the edge of a word.grep '\B/bin/bash /etc/passwd
\<Match the empty string at the beginning of word.grep '\<="" kbd="" style="box-sizing: inherit;">
\>Match the empty string at the end of word.grep 'bash\>' /etc/passwd
grep '\' /etc/passwd

You can reverse the meaning of the square brackets by putting a ^ immediately after the [.
In this case, the brackets will match any character that is not listed inside the brackets.

Again, note that we use [^] with regular expressions
$ grep dev.hda[^12] /etc/fstab

/dev/hda3 / reiserfs noatime,ro 1 1

#/dev/hda4 /mnt/extra reiserfs noatime,rw 1 1

^ and $ can be combined to match an entire line. For example, the following regex will match
a line that starts with the # character and ends with the . character, with any number of other
characters in between:
$ grep '^#.*\.$' /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information

When bash starts it opens the three standard file descriptors: stdin (file descriptor 0), stdout (file descriptor 1), and stderr (file descriptor 2). You can open more file descriptors (such as 3, 4, 5, ...), and you can close them

~ # ls -l a
ls: a: No such file or directory
~ # ls -l a 2>abc
~ # cat abc
ls: a: No such file or directory
~ # ls -l a 1>abc
ls: a: No such file or directory
~ # cat abc
~ # ls -l a &>abc
~ # cat abc

ls: a: No such file or directory

bash exit code

makefile .PHONY的作用


fakeroot vs sudo
Why not just use sudo?
First of all, you don't need root privileges to build software and you don't need root privileges to compress them. So if you don't need it, you'd have to really be a Windows user to even think of getting that permission. But sarcasm aside, you may not even have root password.

Besides, let's say you do have root permissions. And let's say you want to pretend that a file should have read access only to the root. So you sudo, actually change the file owner and permissions to root, you get out of root shell and try to package everything. You fail because now you cannot read the file anymore since you don't have root access. So you have to sudo and compress and build the package as root. Effectively, you have to do everything as root.

This is BadTM.

As a packager, you don't need root permissions and you shouldn't get it. When you install a package, you may need to install some file (A) as root and that's where you need root permissions. All fakeroot does is to make this possible. It lets the packager list A as owned by root for the archiver, so that when the package is decompressed by the user, the archiver demands root permission and creates A as owned by root.


安裝 Nvidia 顯示卡驅動


# bash -c "echo blacklist nouveau > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf"
# /sbin/shutdown -r now
# service lightdm stop
# chmod +x
# ./

$ nvidia-settings


Linux 方便簡單的截圖軟體 Imagemagick

# apt-get install imagemagick

$ import sc1.png
$ import -window root image1.png

import: unable to open X server `' @ error/import.c/ImportImageCommand/366.



No common CD-ROM drive was detected 解決方式

安裝debian netinst  時出現 "No common CD-ROM drive was detected"

請使用 rufus燒入軟體,將ISO燒製USB,並且選擇 DD Image mode

DD Image mode VS ISO Image mode


真誠的讚美 帶給雙方美好的感受




在禮堂台上演講者發問問題,讓台下的聽眾來舉手回答,等了一會兒有位人舉了手回答這沒人回答的問題,並且答案完全正確!!在休息時間裝水的時候,我剛好遇到他,我就說:嗨~你怎麼知道剛剛那題的答案呀OAO!! 他跟你說明之後原來他很熱愛看戰爭片所以他很熟這問題,我就覺得:哇賽! 現場那麼多人只有你答得出來耶 好猛喔OAO! 


身邊的同學有什麼優點? 成績好、很會聊、很會打球、願意無私分享知識。
玩遊戲的時候~我仔細觀察發現他玩遊戲滑鼠移動看起來好可愛哦O口O!! 看起來像撲撲車的感覺!!



嫉妒 可以誹謗一個人 也可以讓自己成長










仔細觀察他人找出他的優點向他學習或模仿來提升自我,讓自己成長、讓自己進步,嘗試讓自己接近或達到被嫉妒的人的成就,或者在其他方面能夠更勝於他,來緩和嫉妒的情緒。 簡單舉例如果有個英文很好的同學每次段考英文總是拿第一,而你是位很努力很拼命的人,不管再怎麼努力英文還是無法贏過他,仔細觀察為什麼他的英文總是這麼好,他的優點是什麼,向他學習他的優點或請教他,或許他從小在國外受教育所以英文對他來說易如反掌,那先天的優勢我們可以反過來思考我們自身的優勢,加強自身的強項來戰勝他人,達到自我成長也是可以的。







在日常生活中,犯了這四項口業,其惡口傷害了對方感情,妄言破壞了當事人人格,而搬弄是非及綺語亦使彼此相處無法真誠對待。 ref:


How to choose right PWM frequency

The PWM switching frequency has to be much higher than what would affect the load (the device that uses the power), which is to say that the resultant waveform perceived by the load must be as smooth as possible. The rate (or frequency) at which the power supply must switch can vary greatly depending on load and application, for example
Switching has to be done several times a minute in an electric stove; 120 Hz in a lamp dimmer; between a few kilohertz (kHz), to tens of kHz for a motor drive; and well into the tens or hundreds of kHz in audio amplifiers and computer power supplies.

For a question like this, you will probably get as many answers as there are people interested in answering. Here is my answer: It depends.
Here are some of the limiting factors, first the lower limits:
  • Persistence of vision:
    • Different people are differently sensitive to flicker in a light source. Some would notice flicker even at 100 Hertz, others perhaps not even at as low as 10 Hz.
    • Motion of light source relative to the eye makes flicker more discernible, scaling up with speed of the motion.
    • Human vision sensitivity at low intensity of light - both ambient and source intensity. At very low intensity, the eye is much more sensitive to any change in intensity. So an LED operated at low duty cycle / low current and in a dark environment would require a higher minimum PWM frequency.
Now the upper limits:
  • LED turn-on characteristics: An LED cannot be toggled at arbitrarily high frequency, once the pulse duration approaches the turn-on time, the LED never really turns on fully, hence linearity of PWM control is lost to begin with, and at higher frequency / shorter pulses, eventually the LED just stays dim or off.
  • PWM provider capabilities: Your microcontroller would have its own maximum PWM rate, which sets a hard limit.
  • Switching losses: Any switching system, MOSFET based, BJT based, or other, suffers switching losses of power as switching rate increases. At one point this become significant both in terms of heating of switching device, and efficiency of illumination.
Thus, depending on these parameters, and any others affecting your specific requirement, the correct answer could be anywhere in the 50 Hz to few dozen KHz range.

motor frequency 可以測試不同頻率下輸出電流來決定
